Erika Foxx Interview


I want to take the time to thank Erika Foxx for taking the time in answering my questions. Also, I hope you will find her interview interesting and finally hope this interview will introduce you to a new erotic author that is worth following.

Meet Erika Foxx

My favorite stories are always the ones that have characters that I can relate to, and they’re in some situation that makes them believable people that somehow tests their love, or causes them to fall in love. And then hopefully along the way they end up having passionate, hot sex! And those are the kinds of books I like to write, too!

I remember the first time I realized that my mind was such a powerful source of arousal. I was sitting in the grass studying during my first year of college with a girl that was taking the same class. She kept pointing out the hot, shirtless guys walking by, muttering things that I thought “good” girls would never say! And then she said something that has stuck with me to this day…”He’s my fantasy for tonight, Erika.” I must have looked like she was speaking in a foreign language and she asked, “Don’t you ever fantasize about hot guys like that?” I felt my cheeks flush and I shook my head ‘no’ because I really never HAD fantasized like that…yet 😉

After that day, I began to think about guys and sex in ways I never had done before. Since then, I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve had a lot of “fantasy” nights with some of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen. But nothing ever can take the place of a warm body 😉

Fortunately for me, my high school sweetheart came back into my life about this time. I not only got to fantasize about him before we eventually got married, but now I get to fantasize WITH him, too! We are madly in love, and he is so supportive of my writing. And over time, I found my muse for writing erotica. And she’s a very naughty, slutty woman!

In our free time we love spending time together outdoors hiking and camping and bike riding, and we enjoy spoiling our two Yorkies.

Briefly tell us about your childhood? Where did you grow? Was there an inspirational adult figure when growing up?

I was just a typical, boring middle class kid growing up. I grew up in the upper Midwest in the U.S. in a very small town. My grandparents were very inspirational to me growing up. They always encouraged me in everything I did.

What is a happy memory from childhood?

Christmas time gave me some of my favorite memories, mostly from family and friends getting together to play games, talk and just enjoy spending time together.

What was school like for you? How far did you go in your education?

I was quite the little nerd in school, and I loved being one of the smartest kids in the school. I was always the good kid, never getting in trouble for anything.

I continued on with my education after high school, ultimately through graduate school.

Tell us something that we may not know about you?

It might surprise you given my avocation in writing erotica, but I was a virgin until my wedding night. That’s not to say I hadn’t participated in some other forms of sex play, though!

Have you ever met someone famous? If so, who? Tells us about it? Did it change you?

I’ve never met anyone famous ;( …yet!

Who, either living or dead, inspires you?

It’s not one single person really, more of a ‘class’ of people.   Anyone that goes after their dreams and never lets anything stop them is always inspirational.

Has a book ever impacted you? If so, what book? How did it impact you? What did you do differently after reading it?

Yes, most definitely! Believe it or not, it was Steven King’s book On Writing. I had read a few of his books, and I marvelled at how good a story teller he is. Whether you like his genre or not, the man knows how to weave a great tale! So when I read On Writing, I was taken with his thought on how stories are like archaeological digs, and that a writer’s job is to excavate the story and put flesh on the buried bones. After reading that, I paid much more attention to my characters and I “unearthed” their stories instead of trying to impose on them what I thought they should be doing or saying. In other words, I followed them around and started writing down what they did.

The other thing I learned from that book was the idea that I needed to find my muse. And I’ve discovered that mine is a pretty naughty girl…really a slut, to be honest. I fought her for a long time, being the “good” girl. But she wouldn’t stop making my character want to do dirty things to each other, and that bothered me for a long time. I couldn’t make sense of where it was coming from. When I read that book, I realized that I should start using her as an asset instead of a liability! When I let her loose, boy did my stories take a decidedly erotic turn!

Are you currently writing anything? Can you share an overview of the story? Do you have a target release date?

Yes, I’m currently working on the first book of what I hope to expand into a series. It’s a story of a young Victorian-era maid that has been released from her duties, and she is being secreted away to the employ of another, more demanding lord because of an unseemly ‘incident’. The story is my first in the BDSM realm, and I plan to publish the first book sometime in January 2015.

How long have you been writing?

Since high school. I got started when I took a class in creative writing, and I was hooked. I wrote a lot of romantic stuff, and it was fun but it was pretty bad, to be honest.

How often do you write? How long do you write?

My goal is to always write something every day, but to be honest I really end up writing in fits and starts. I’ve found that if I sit down to write every day, and my muse is being the slutty bitch she can be, I’ll just write garbage because I’m writing for the sake of writing and not for unearthing the story. If the characters don’t want me to follow them, it’s kind of hard to do that!

So, when those moments come around, I’ll spend time writing tweets for my followers on Twitter and spend some time researching what I’m writing at the time. Right now, it’s BDSM and I’m finding it both arousing and interesting. I’m not sure if it’s something I’d like to try personally, but you never know!

As far as how long I write, it depends. If the characters are demanding me to follow them, I’ll write until they stop leading me around. The longest session I can remember was about twelve hours.

How did you start out in writing?

As I mentioned earlier, I took a creative writing course in high school—the first of many! But just over a year ago, I decided to try publishing some of my stories on Amazon.

Where do you find your inspiration for writing?

I get inspiration in some of the strangest situations. I might be shopping and see an attractive couple arm-in-arm, and BOOM! My muse throws this vision of the couple into my mind, and they’re now naked and she’s leading him along by his huge, erect cock. That might become a scene later on in a story.

Sometimes it’s a photo, or a movie, or even a book. When I really find myself needing inspiration, or if I’m stuck with something and I really feel the urge to write something erotic, I’ll find some random porn clip online and write a description of the sex I’m watching. It feels like priming a pump, and then things start to flow. It’s also a good way to find new ways of describing sex.

How do you come up with your stories?

I’m also a reader of erotica, romance novels and all kinds of other good fiction, and that feeds my imagination and story ideas. I don’t know how it happens, but an idea will just seem to form in my mind. It’s usually a character that starts telling me a story, and it just seems to flow from that. I keep a journal for writing down plot and story ideas, just so I don’t forget them.

How much time a week or a month do you spend writing?

I try to write a minimum of four to six hours per week, with my goal being at least an hour every day. Maybe I’m not as anal about that as I should be, but I like writing to be organic for me.

All of the books you have written, which one is your favorite? Why?

My favorite is “A Taste for Kylie.” I loved writing her, probably because she’s a lot like me. She’s got a prim and proper side, but deep down she’s hiding a strong sexual urge. And she’s got a deep love for her husband and her marriage, and will do anything to keep that love and romance alive.

Your books seem to touch on the subject of making fantasies come true, have you ever have a fantasy come true?

I have, yes. I had always wanted to make love outdoors, and one weekend while hiking I finally convinced my hubby to give it a try! It took some convincing with my tongue, but he gave in and we had some of the best sex we’ve ever had!

Your books seem to touch on the subject of doing something taboo. Have you ever done anything taboo?

I’ve never done anything in reality that would be considered taboo, but I’ve done some pretty raunchy things in my mind that might land me in jail if I ever really did them!

What is the easiest part of writing for you?

It didn’t start out that way, but writing dialog is the easiest for me. I just listen to the characters and write down what they say! It’s usually how I start a story, with the dialog. I find it easier to add the rest after I know what they’ve said.

What is the most difficult part of writing?

Facing a blank screen. When your characters stop talking or doing anything, it’s the most lonely and frustrating feeling in the world.

What is the biggest writing challenge you have faced?

For me, it’s making the time to write. Perhaps someday if I decide to pursue being published by a publisher, it’d be deadlines.

How do you come up with your characters?

Honestly, I don’t know how they suddenly form in my head, but that’s how it happens. It’s almost like watching a fog start to materialize into a human form in my mind, complete with facial features and body type and hair and eyes and personality. Sometimes it happens instantly, and sometimes it can take days.

If there is one character you can choose to say is your favorite who would you choose? Why?

Again, my favorite character to date is Kylie McCann from my interracial ménage series, but I’m really starting to like a character I’m writing now for the Victorian-era BDSM series I’m writing. She’s also a lot like me in some ways.

What character has been the most difficult to develop, write? Why?

It’s one I’m writing about now for my new series. He’s the lord of the new manor that my maid character has been sent to, and he’s dark and brooding and won’t let me get inside his head very easily. But I’m working him!

Do you try to put a message in your books? If so, what do you believe it is? How would the reader know the message?

The only strong message I have how the power of a strong relationship is very erotic. When people are hopelessly in love and would do anything to give pleasure to each other, in whatever form, I think that’s so sexy. And I try to incorporate that in some way in the stories I write. In my short-short series “The Erotic Adventures of Dex and Tasia,” the two of them are madly in love with each other, but they find such erotic joy in making the other happy. Even when Tasia wants Dex to have sex with another man, he obliges because he knows it’s going to make her happy. That kind of love makes me melt!

Do you have a recurring symbolism or a motif?

No symbolism, but I do like building sexual tension between the characters in the stories I write. I guess that would qualify as a motif!

How do you use conflict in telling the story?

For my short-shorts, the only conflict is that the characters want to come, period. I wrote them as quickies for readers that want something short and sweet and arousing to read.

But for my other stories, definitely. Let’s face it, nobody wants to read a book about characters that are perfect and never have any problems in life or obstacles to overcome. So I try to use conflict when it seems like things are going to smoothly in my stories. Sometimes I’ll go back after I’ve written for a while and realize I’m reading a fairy tale. In that case, I’ll try to find a wedge point that I can stick in some kind of trouble or problem, or another character even. Something to upset the apple cart.

As a writer, it’s fun to add those conflicts and see how the characters react.

I did that in my recent book, “Behind Him All The Way.” A happily married couple has been having a pre-arranged “fun night” of sexual exploration to keep their sex life hot. The wife is conflicted about the suggestion by her girlfriend to try pegging her husband, and there’s some wonderful conflict and tension between the husband and wife when he’s confronted by his beautiful wife adorned with a huge rubber strap-on cock.


Can you share any advice for anyone considering self-publishing?

Sure, and remember that this is coming from someone that’s only been self-publishing for about a year. I’m still learning more every day!

It’s really quite easy today for anyone to write anything and sell it on Amazon or Smashwords or Barnes & Noble. In fact it’s downright simple, and you can even pay people to get everything formatted and ready for a very small fee. If all you want to do is say you’ve got a book for sale on Amazon, no problem.

But if you want to earn a living as a self-published writer, be ready to spend some significant time and money in advertising and marketing on social media, book marketing services, etc. And make sure that you’re marketing a book that people want to read. A slick media campaign selling a poorly written book will fail just as badly as a well-written book not marketed at all. In other words, have your writing edited. First by you, and then by a reputable editor. It makes all the difference in the world.

Last, make sure that you have a website where you can begin to build a loyal readership by offering an opt-in and other freebies. On, I offer a free ebook in exchange for an email address, as well as some free erotica I’ve written. Once you have a list of loyal readers, you can market your future writing to them and continue to build your audience.

Do you have a passage (no more than 1 page) that you want to share?

Sure! It’s from “A Taste for Four” from my Seductive Couples: Interracial Menage series. In this third book, Kylie and Jackson McCann have each had the pleasure of having sex with a black partner…Kylie with Tristan, a Jamaican bartender, and Jackson with Summer, Tristan’s head chef at his restaurant. Now, Tristan and Summer are seducing the McCanns!


An Excerpt from “A Taste For Four” by Erika Foxx…

“You know, we don’t need them.” Summer said suggestively. She lay down and poured a bit of wine into her navel. “What do you think?” Kylie lapped the wine gently with her tongue, then took the bottle from Summer. She dripped the wine over her breasts, into Summer’s waiting mouth. Before Kylie knew what was happening, Summer’s head had disappeared between her legs. Kylie felt the woman’s mouth explore her pussy; it felt better than any oral sex Kylie had ever had. Summer did exactly what Kylie would have done if she could pleasure herself.

Jackson and Tristan watched the scene before them with amazement. The sight of the two women got them both hard again, but neither wanted to interrupt the action.

“Put your legs over my head.” Kylie moaned. She felt as if she was having a soft, constant orgasm and she wanted to return the favor. Kylie licked Summer tentatively, surprised at the way she tasted. Unlike Kylie’s juices, Summer’s had a sweet, apple like flavor. Kylie dove in enthusiastically, mimicking the movements of Summer’s mouth with her own. The soft, constant waves of pleasure running through Kylie’s body intensified, and soon she was writhing in ecstasy. As Kylie erupted, Summer’s climax filled her mouth. Summer turned herself upright and rested her head next to Kylie’s.

The women curled together to relax, but the men had something different in mind. The show had left them both longing for a second release. Tristan kneeled next to Kylie, his erection bobbing above her face. Jackson did the same next to Summer.

“That was quite a show you two put on.” Jackson complimented the women.

“Yeah, I think we need some oral action after watching that.” Tristan agreed.

“What do you think Summer? Should we give them what they want?” Kylie teased.

“I don’t know… do you think they can handle something new?” Summer’s eyes darted from Jackson’s cock to Tristan’s hand. Kylie instantly understood the suggestion.

“It’s a night of trying new things.” Kylie smiled. The women rose to their knees and sat the men next to each other on the floor. Summer gripped Jackson’s cock with her right hand, and guided Tristan’s hand over with her left. Kylie did the same in reverse. The men each instinctively pulled away when they realized what the women had planned.

“Now, now,” Summer scolded playfully, “you two got a show. Now we want one.”

“Just use your hands. Summer and I will take care of the rest, if you cooperate.” Kylie promised suggestively. Both men exhaled deeply before gripping the other’s shaft. Jackson had to admit that the sensation felt nice. It became even better when Summer began flicking her tongue against the head of his cock. Each woman bobbed up and down on their partner’s cock, using one free hand to direct the movement of the men’s hands.


Do you have anything you want to add?

I’d just like to thank you for the opportunity to tell you and your readers a little about myself. I encourage your readers to visit my website, read my blog stories, check out some of my favorite sites, grab a free ebook and follow me on Twitter and Facebook! Stay in love and lust, and thank you again!

Follow Erika




Amazon Book link(s):

Seductive Couples: Interracial Romance Menáge Series (BWWM BMWW)

A Taste for Kylie

A Taste for Jackson

A Taste for Four

Seductive Couples: Interracial Romance Menáge Boxed Set

Dex and Tasia’s Erotic Adventures Series

Waking Up

Watching You Watching Me

Helping Mia


Single Books

Behind Him All The Way

Amazon Author Page:

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